Strength does not come from physical capacity it comes from indomitable will -Ghandi

Monday, April 12, 2010

Great Training!!

Last Saturday I went down to Provo for a business training. We learned different techniques of how to teach what can be complex concepts, very simply. We watched part of a movie that gave us a better idea of what we will actually be doing. These people just need a little money to feed their families. We are going to be helping save lives. We had different topics and got into groups and practiced actually teaching. We received feedback from the group so that we can improve before we go in-country. This has made me even more excited!! Next Saturday, I have my last training. It is another Business Training and we are learning about the BEST Game. I will tell you about it after. I also met my other country director, Calvin. There are only going to be 4-5 of us that are there the entire summer, so we are going to become great friends! During each wave we will have between 7-12 people coming and going. I can't explain how excited I am!!!

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